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There are many ways to preserve a deer hide ( or any hide for that matter) Many believe that there are advantages to both traditional methods of freezing deer hides as well as salting them. Because there are advantages to both, such as saving space in a freezer,we will give you the opportunity to make you own choice on which way to preserve your deer hide by giving you step by step directions for freezing deer hides as well as step by step directions for salting deer hides.


Step 1 Follow instructions on processing a deer up to step 4, in order to separate hide from carcass
step 2 Use a old spoon or dull knife to gently remove any meat or large fatty pieces from the reverse side of the hide
step 3 After meat has been removed, roll or fold with hair side out and place in a garbage bag
step 4 Place in the refrigerator for 12-24 hours      
Note: Do not freeze if you intend to salt
step 5 After refrigeration, remove any flesh that may remain.
Repeat steps 4 & 5 as necessary

Click next to read the step-by-step guide for salting deer hides