Products Learn to field dress a deer Learn to Process a deer Learn to Make Jerky


Step 1 Follow instructions on processing a deer up to step 4, in order to separate hide from carcass
step 2 Use a old spoon or dull knife to gently remove any meat or large fatty pieces from the reverse side of the hide
step 3 After meat has been removed, spread fur out on a table or floor and ensure all exposed portions are showing
step 4 using about a handful of salt at a time generously spread the salt across the fleshy part of the hide.      
Note: Be sure to thoroughly cover every portion of hide with salt to ensure maximum dehydration
Note: You can expect to use about 8-10 cans of salt per hide ( on average )
step 5 Hang your hide to dry
Repeat steps 4 & 5 as necessary (usually every 2-3 days) until hide is dry which usually takes approximately 20 days