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10 steps for Field Dress a deer in less then 5 minutes

Step 1:ALWAYS make sure the deer is dead
Step 2:Insert knife into skin about 1/2" away from the anus and cut completely around.
Step 3:Continue to cut AT LEAST 2" further into the skin near the anus (Some times as much as 4 inches, do what ever your comfortable with. Remember to not cut into the anus as this will ruin you meat, we are only cutting around the anus)
Step 4:Cut a small incision in the lower stomach about 1"-2"
Step 5:Place finger and knife inside incision and cut up wards toward the head, stop at the ribs
Step 6:In the cavity you will notice a diaphragm ( a thin layer of skin/meat about 1/4" thick) and cut through it
Step 7:Slide your hand and knife along the wind pipe until you can reach no further, at which point you will cut the wind pipe and pull it out.
Note: The heart and lungs should come out with no added effort
Step 8:After doing all of this you must now remove the rest of the diaphragm which holds in the guts. You can do this by simply cutting it along the edge of the cavity
Step 9:Towards the Legs you will locate the bladder, If it is a doe you will be able to gently squeeze the bladder to force the urine out. However, if it is a buck you must use the pinch and throw method. You start by pinching off the ends of it, cutting them and then throwing it so that the urine doesn’t get on you or your deer meat
Step 10:Follow the digestive track as far as you can towards the anus and then gently pull the anus through, being careful not to rip it and get feces on your meat. When pulled through all guts will easily be pulled out onto the ground
Optional steps: Optional steps include placing a stick within the cavity to open and allow it to cool, also you may hang in a tree or cool place to allow for drainage and cooling